Fastest route home
Fastest route home

fastest route home

Chosen route can start from any of the spawn points in any direction (naturally or via U turn.) Additionally, for a true challenge, arbitrary start points should be allowed, though may require the help of a friend. There exist a few starting (spawn) points on the map.Starting pens and roads from the starting pens to the main road can be excluded. This includes pavement, gravel, bridges, dirt, etc. "Roads" include any rideable path in normal exploration mode.

fastest route home

Similarly, you don't need to cover a road segment in both directions, one direction is sufficient.The goals is to cover all road segments connecting the intersections fully, not all parts of the intersections. in a four corner intersection, you don't need to cover right turn, straight and left turn to touch all parts of the intersection. Arbitrarily, you don't need to go through all possible paths in an intersection.The full of all roads should be covered, thus to U turn, you should go through the intersection, then U turn.In the case of the map given for this challenge, a Euler path is not possible. However, for a finite graph, a Euler path or cycle is not guaranteed to exist. The Euler path or cycle, if available, would produce the shortest route since a single road is never covered twice by definition. Multiple passes over the same road are allowed. Road must be covered in full at least once.This is the map as retrieved from : Yumezi Map Courtesy Zwift The map given is Zwift's new world in the Makuri Islands, Yumezi as released on. Given a finite number of roads, what is the shortest possible route to cover all roads? A mathematical approach to determining shortest route covering all roads.

Fastest route home